Desktop and mobile websites created by Crescendo Interactive


We want to help you fulfill the mission and vision of your organization. A strong online presence plays a crucial role in the success of your planned gifts marketing. Crescendo will build a website for you that includes your organization's branding and features motivating donor stories, regularly updated articles, an online wills planner, personal gift illustrations, advisor information and more.

Your website will be mobile-friendly so that you can reach more donors using mobile phones and tablets along with desktop computers. The examples below showcase some of the many websites we have developed for different organizations.

Dynamic Widgets

As part of Crescendo's GiftLegacy Pro marketing service, we offer dynamic widgets that streamline donor giving from your GiftLegacy Pro website for donor advised funds (DAFs), IRA charitable rollover and beneficiary designation gifts.

Donors will be redirected from your GiftLegacy Pro website directly to the login pages to make these gifts. You can be notified by email of any DAF and IRA rollover gifts made from your website.

View our widgets on Furman University's website:

Website Process Overview

  • We create a custom planned giving website for every client. From the initial design comps to the final delivery, our marketing and technology teams work closely with your organization during the development process.
  • You can select from a wide variety of design and content options with rotating content for your visitors. The donor-friendly content on our websites is professionally written by our marketing and legal teams. Our websites explore the benefits of planned gifts in clear and engaging terms.
  • We provide content optimized for web reading that is easy to understand. Our websites include meaningful images and/or videos to support our planned giving content across different pages.
  • We test our websites on a variety of desktop browsers and mobile devices, so that they display and function properly across different viewing environments.
  • Whether your organization prefers a simpler and cleaner design, or a bolder and multilayered look, our design team will make your website look attractive while maintaining good usability standards.
  • We review the analytics for our websites on an ongoing basis. This allows us to make adjustments to content and design that increase site performance and user engagement.

Top Marketing Tips

Marketing TipsYour mission is unique and unlike that of any other charity. Your donors are also special, and they support your cause for reasons that are very real and personal to them. To appeal to your donors, your marketing should reflect what your organization is and where it is going.

Visit our Top Marketing Tips page to see website examples sorted by common categories (colleges, social services, medical organizations, etc.) and to download our PowerPoint presentations with marketing tips.


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